Welcome To A (cold) Short Week!teach To Be Happy

Find 5 ways to the cold weather and not see it simply as the gloomy, wet, cold Autumn & Winter.

Short Inspirational Phrases Messages With a Meaning. All of us could do with a nudge to take action, and these short, encouraging four-word quotes do it very effectively. Let us be curious to know more of what it takes to shine and share with others. 'I'm glad I could be of help' has the same meaning as 'I'm happy to help' or 'It's no problem'. It is a more polite form of 'You're welcome'. When you say 'I could be of help', it means you have the potential, or are able to help the person if they need your help. It means you are happy that you can help the person if they come to you for help.

For years I’ve only really appreciated and celebrated the arrival of Autumn, I feel like Autumn is the season, besides Spring time that we actually acknowledge that nature around us is changing, going to “sleep” and therefore our bodies, too, are undergoing some type of transformation. This is why I think we should indeed find beautiful ways to welcome the cold weather and not simply see it as another day on the calendar.

Life begins again when it gets crisp in the fall.
F. Scott Fitzgerald

However, once you get over Hump Day, you’ll find it easier to race through to a happy Friday. Now, if you are looking for some motivation and inspiration to get over Wednesday, here’s our most hilarious Wednesday meme collection that’s guaranteed to give you the patience and push you need. A Cold Day A Cold Day A Cold Day A Cold Day A Cold Day. Concept (fiction), 42 words, Level B (Grade K), Lexile BR10L. It's a chilly winter day, but a young boy has a job to do. He braves the cold outside in order to bring in the mail from the mailbox. Along the way, he feels just how cold many of the objects outside his house are.

Autumn started officially at the end of September and it officially became time to turn on the heat the first week of October. Pumpkins, cool breezes, and the aroma of autumn candles are here. Or, in my case have been here since late August! The beauty of the leaves turning red, orange, and yellow decorate the streets. Cedar Hill Road along with other streets near by are my favorite to drive down in the cold months to see all the beautiful leaves. The joy of fall is on its way and there is no better way to celebrate the occasion than with food, fun, and whimsical visions of weekend bliss in the pumpkin patch or roaming the local corn mazes.

Enjoy the present.

See the season as a whole and coherent experience, colored in with light and tone and temperature and smell and texture and taste. Give it chance and look at it as a time to rest mentally, and create new memories. Identify the very best thing possible about fall for you,' Explore the richness of such a beautiful time of the year. Give it chance and look at it as a time to rest mentally, and create to new memories. I always feel that from September to December is the time we see family most & create memories.

Eat better.

Time to enjoy pumpkin flavored coffee, bread, waffles, pies, you name it! You can also check out theVegan Pumpkin Cheese Cake I made! We can also look forward to spices like nutmeg and cinnamon more on foods. Pumpkins are healthy! They have fiber, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin E, folate, magnesium, copper, niacin, iron, and are low in sodium. There are nutritional foods to look forward to as well. Sweet potatoes, all sorts of squash, pears, apples, and leafy greens are in season. This is a great time to check out your local farmers market. Our farmers market The Root Cellar has an amazing selection and we’re fortunate to live close by.

Get outdoors.

Embrace the fall and the outdoors with a road trip or a hike to enjoy the season and the bright colors, and crisp air. There is more you can do, and you can't just sit in a corner. Your body needs exercise, fresh air, and a change of scenery. The fall has plenty to offer. There will be festivals, shows, apple pickings, and corn mazes to go to. There will be many local events to check out, so don't be a couch potato!

Fall cleaning.

Bring the outdoors in. Buy bright yellow orange mums to decorate the inside of the house and outdoors. 'Look for indoor plants that work double duty, like English Ivy--they are not only beautiful and can make you happy but clean the air as well,' Apartment Therapy offered. Open the windows to get some fresh air, and start cleaning. Get rid of clothes, shoes, old papers, and other items just creating clutter. See what you can give away to help others. Cleaning will make you feel better and the organization will help when you bring out all your fall favorites. Give the house a fresh start, and you too, will feel this way about the change of the season.

Start cooking healthy.

Fall is a great time to cook soups, apple pies, and use all the fresh ingredients fall offers. There is nothing better than cooking from scratch. It is important for your health. Avoid prepackaged foods that are loaded with salt and sugar. You can check out my cozy vegan mushroom soup here!

Make time to prepare more healthy meals ahead of time, if the schedule is too packed. You don't have to be an expert. Start off with a soup, or a simple salad that uses local produce. Broccoli salad is one of my favorites. Nothing beats a tasty cashew sauce. So creamy, So delicious.

People don't often pay attention on how to be happy ineveryday life. Or rather - they expect happiness to be a wonderful moment thatcomes to them from the 'outside' - an Event of good luck that lifts them to a state of bliss and happiness.A dream job being offered, winning the lottery, getting that car, or thathouse.

Have you noticed? That to many happiness equals a material achievement?

I listen with interest how people discuss with each other. Mostly they complain. It is called realism. They wallow in negative stuff, talk about it constantly, and try to make others agree with them in their misery. And they pay no attention to the most important thing: what kind of an emotional response their words create in their own minds.

Welcome To A (cold) Short Week!teach To Be Happy

Because that is where true happiness lies. In one's own emotions at any given moment. Happiness is a feeling. Shouldn't we then concentrate on how to create such a feeling? Can you learn how to be happy on purpose?

It is hard to many - we are so used to our negative mind set that we don't even recognize it anymore. And so our mind, used to its own negativity, looks at the world through the eyes of misery. And what does it see? More misery, of course.


It simply isn't in a place where it could receivepositive emotions. Even if an event occurs that we know is labeled as happy andpositive, we cannot find the emotion of pure joy, because we think of negativethings. If nothing else, then at least that 'this will soon be over'.

This certainly happened to me. I was in my twenties when Ifirst paid attention to my own negative self talk. I was sitting in a bus,looking out of the window, letting my mind wander where it wanted. And then,suddenly, I felt like I was observing my own thoughts from a distance. It was ashock. All my thoughts were negative. I looked at the sunny skies, noticed theclouds and found myself thinking that of course, rain was coming, and thebeautiful day would turn grey and miserable soon.

I was going to work, and my thoughts about that werenegative too. I felt miserable for having to go to work when I would havewanted to be outside and enjoy the beautiful spring day. I began to think aboutmy coworkers and boss, and my mind was picking up all the things I did not likeabout them. Yet - I had a job and salary and because of that I could pay mybills. And my coworkers weren't all that bad, really.

This was some kind of an epiphany to me. I realized how justabout everyone around me was behaving the same, and that we saw nothing strangein it. Because of this we kept on thinking how we had always been thinking -negatively. We simply did not know how to be happy.

I think this was the moment when my journey to positivethinking started. I bought books about the subject (didn't have a computer ornet connection then), and in time learned how we create our own reality with ourown thoughts and emotions. Afloat mac downloaddownzup. I'm still onthat journey, and will be for the rest of my life.

I cannot stop bad stuff from happening, but I have built(and will continue to do so) tools in my mind that help me go past theseevents, and find the proverbial silver lining in each cloud. (My motheractually said this to me when I was a small girl, and now I understand itsmeaning: 'There is a silver lining to every cloud'.)

The way to do this is not to expect some major event in thefuture to make us happy. The road to happiness is exactly that - a road, and inthe here and now. Happiness is a string of short moments, and in each of thosemoments we have the power to choose our own response to them, and through eachchoice direct our emotions. We can learn to think on purpose instead of lettingour thoughts think us. And withpurposeful thinking we learn to create wanted emotions, which will help us findbalance in our life, and even happiness.

We should not try to close our eyes of 'negative'thoughts. We should recognize them for what they are - signs that tell us whatwe don't like - and then it is our job to direct our mind towards what it is weDO like. After that it is about deciding what are the steps we can take to goto that wanted direction.

Life is a string of moments and decisions. We need to learnto listen the most important language of all - the language of emotions. Ouremotions are telling us every moment, are we going to our wanted direction ornot. They are our road signs on how to be happy.

How to Be Happy -
a 365 Day Project

I have written here things that I feel might help in trying to reach awareness, mindfulness, in our day to day life. Twelve months, 365+1 days of things to concentrate on. If you wish to read and try these, please do. And when reading these pages, listen to your emotions. Pick what feels good and right to you - you don't need to go through all of them, but of course you can, if you wish. You may also skim through the pages and take the thing that speaks to you at that very moment. Remember these are just my own thoughts, and methods, and I am no professional councellor. Still, I hope they help you to understand how to be happy.

I'll add the articles here one by one - return often to see the latest ones.

1. January
how can goal setting be a shortcut to happiness?

Goals usually take a long time to achieve. So how on earth can they be a shortcut to happiness? Well, the magic is in the feeling of purpose. Read more here (and check the 31 tips for a happier day - one for each day)

2. February
How to be happy at work - and what to do if you are not in your dream job

Is work really a necessary evil? How to enjoy your tasks? What to do if you are not in your dream job? Read more here - and check the 29 tips for a happy February.

3. March
Tips for Reaching Authentic Happiness

How to reach for authentic happiness when you feel lost in the materialism of life? Read ideas here. Included are 31 daily tips for March.

4. April
How to Feel Happy by Pursuing Your Dreams

There is real magic in following your old dreams.. Read more here. There are 30 tips of happiness for the month of April.

5. May
Keeping positive in the midst of negative people

Have you noticed the negative people around you who like nothing better than to drag you into their negativity? What to do?

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6. June
Building Self Esteem

Can you lose your self esteem by trying to please everyone, and avoid negative emotions? How to build your self esteem again?

7. July
Finding Happiness

How does self talk relate to your feeling of happiness.

Welcome To A (cold) Short Week Teach To Be Happy Birthday Wishes

8. August
Seize the Day

Is your method on how to be happy chasing that elusive day when X happens and THEN you'll be happy? How about concentrating on the little moments?

Welcome To A (cold) Short Week Teach To Be Happy Wishes

Welcome To A (cold) Short Week Teach To Be Happy Hour

9. September
Daily Positive Thoughts

Is positive thinking just nonsense or does it really make your life more enjoyable?

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Welcome To A (cold) Short Week Teach To Be Happy Birthday

Welcome To A (cold) Short Week!teach To Be Happy