Anatomy And Physiologymr. Mac's Biology Page

3 components - the receptor is a sensor that monitors the environment and responds to changes, called stimuli and then sends info to the control center where it is analyzed and determines the appropriate response or course of action (determines the set point - the level that must be maintained) and then the info flows to the effector which provides the means for the control centers response.

  1. Anatomy and physiology presented in 3D model sets, 3D animations, and illustrations Each unit presents a body system in a series of chapters, with bite-sized visual interactivities and quizzes Trackable unit objectives with multiple-choice and dissection quizzes for assessing self-paced learning.
  2. Quia Web allows users to create and share online educational activities in dozens of subjects, including Anatomy & Physiology.

Anatomy and Physiology

J. Ellen Lathrop-Davis, Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Biology, Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville, Maryland

This Curriculum Map provides a list of highly relevant and engaging content from throughout AccessScience for use in enriching your teaching. Site assets such as tables, graphs, diagrams, photos, and animations have been mapped to standard topics taught in an introductory Anatomy and Physiology course. Use the 'Copy Link' functionality to paste a direct link from each asset into your school's learning management system for easy incorporation into your curriculum.

Course Topics

Terminology and Histology
DiagramThis diagram from the article on regional anatomy shows many of the major regions of the body from anterior and posterior views.
Suggested use: Review the terminology for the body's major regions with this diagram.
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DiagramFrontal sections of a male and female body are shown in this dual figure from the article Visible Human Project.
Suggested use: Show this figure as an example of cross-sectional anatomy images made possible by computer mapping in which MRI, CT, and frozen cross sections were used to create 3D images.
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DiagramCross sections of the human brain using MRI, CT, and cryosections are compared in this image from the Visible Human Project article.
Suggested use: Have students compare the various images of the head and describe similarities and differences among the imaging techniques.
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DiagramThis diagram from the Connective tissue article shows the typical components of connective tissues.
Suggested use: Have students list and define cellular and extracellular components of connective tissue.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Adipose tissue shows the typical structure of a brown adipose cell.
Suggested use: Point out the multiple mitochondria and fat droplets that characterize brown tissue cells.
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DiagramCellular arrangements in common types of epithelial tissue are shown in this illustration from the article Epithelium.
Suggested use: Have students compare and contrast the histological structure of squamous, cuboidal, columnar, stratified squamous, pseudostratified, and transitional epithelia.
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Integumentary System
DiagramThis diagram from the article Hair shows a longitudinal section of a mammalian hair shaft.
Suggested use: Have students describe the morphology of the medulla, cortex, and cuticle of a hair shaft.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Hair shows stages of the hair growth cycle.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of stages in the growth of hair.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Integumentary patterns shows typical patterns of dermal ridges on a human hand and foot.
Suggested use: Have students prepare their own individual dermatoglyphics and compare with their classmates.
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DiagramThe layers of the skin are illustrated in this diagram from the article Skin.
Suggested use: Have students create a labeled 3D model from this diagram.
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DiagramEccrine and apocrine sweat glands of humans are shown in this diagram from the article Sweat gland.
Suggested use: Have students name the structures of the eccrine and apocrine sweat glands.
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Skeletal System
DiagramThis diagram from the article Skeletal system shows the bones of an adult human skeleton in anterior view.
Suggested use: Project with labels covered, have students cite the technical names of major skeletal bones, and then reveal labels.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Skeletal system shows the progressive process of endochondral bone development.
Suggested use: Support an explanation of bone development.
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X-rayThis image from the article Medical imaging shows an x-ray of a human hand and wrist.
Suggested use: Have students count the number of bones in the hand and wrist, then point out that there are 27 bones, including the eight short carpal bones of the wrist.
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AnimationThis animation discusses factors that encourage bone growth and the development of osteoporosis.
Suggested use: Play this animation after discussing bone growth, to engage students in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis and methods of prevention.
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DiagramThis cross-sectional diagram from the article on joint anatomy shows typical components of the human knee as an example of a diarthrodial joint.
Suggested use: Have students use this diagram to explain origins and directions of loads, as well as resulting motions of the knee.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Skeletal system shows anterior and lateral views of the skull of a newborn infant, including the position of the fontanelles.
Suggested use: Display as an example of immovable (synarthrosis) joints.
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Muscular System
DiagramThis diagram from the article Muscular system shows anterior and posterior views of the superficial muscles of the human body.
Suggested use: Project with labels covered, have students cite the technical names of major musculature, and then reveal labels.
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AnimationThis animation brings to life the interaction of actin and myosin to shorten the sarcomere.
Suggested use: Play this video to illustrate how sarcomere shortening causes muscle contraction.
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AnimationThe relationship between the action potential, the release of calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and contraction in skeletal muscle is explained in this animation.
Suggested use: Play this video to explain how the action potential propagates on sarcolemma, and the eventual actin and myosin interaction.
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AnimationThe steps involved in cross-bridge cycling within skeletal muscle including the function of ATP and calcium are shown in this animation.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the roles of ATP, ADP, and calcium ions in the cross-bridge formation step of muscle contraction.
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AnimationThe interaction of the somatic motor neuron and skeletal muscle motor end plate is explained in this video on the neuromuscular junction. The action of acetylcholinesterase is also shown.
Suggested use: Show to demonstrate the release of acetylcholine by the presynaptic neuron membrane, events at the synaptic cleft and postsynaptic membrane, and the eventual generation of action potential on the muscle cell membrane.
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Nervous System
DiagramThis diagram from the article Brain shows a midsagittal view of the human brain, including structures of the cerebrum, cerebellum, and brain stem.
Suggested use: Project with labels covered, have students cite the main structures of the brain, and then reveal labels.
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DiagramThe distribution of sympathetic ganglia is illustrated in this diagram from the article Sympathetic nervous system.
Suggested use: Point out how sensory visceral nerve fibers carry sensory information from various parts of the body to the spinal cord.
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AnimationThe events at a chemical synapse that result in the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, and interaction between the neurotransmitter and receptors on the postsynaptic membrane are explained in this animation.
Suggested use: Play this video to demonstrate action potential causing the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic membrane, an event that causes sodium ion diffusion on the postsynaptic membrane.
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AnimationThis animation shows generation and propagation of action potentials through neurons by movement of sodium and potassium ions.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of nerve impulses generated by the activity of voltage-gated ion channels.
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AnimationThis animation shows the anatomy of the eye, the optic disc, the function of photoreceptor cells, and the chemistry of light detection and initiation of neuronal signals.
Suggested use: Play and pause at each section during a discussion of the eye and how it functions.
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AnimationThis animation shows how light reaching the retina results in vision.
Suggested use: Play to explain visual neuronal transmission through the visual pathway to centers in the brain.
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AnimationThis animation explains how sound waves are converted to nerve impulses in the cochlea.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the perception of sound waves.
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Endocrine System
TableThis table from the article Pituitary gland disorders shows the relationships between hypothalamic hypophysiotropic hormones and anterior pituitary hormones.
Suggested use: Have students select a hormone and present its structure and function, using the table as a starting point.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Thyroid gland shows the monodeiodination of thyroxine to either triiodothyronine (T3) or reverse T3.
Suggested use: Have students describe the structure of triiodothyronine and thyroxine molecules using this diagram.
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DiagramThe common positions of the human parathyroid glands are shown in this diagram from the article Parathyroid gland.
Suggested use: Point out the positions of the parathyroid glands using this posterior view of the thyroid.
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Flow ChartA simplified scheme of steroid hormone synthesis is found in the article on the Ovary.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of biosynthetic pathways that produce steroid hormones.
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AnimationThe mechanism by which intracellular receptors affect gene transcription is explained in this video, thus explaining how steroid hormones work.
Suggested use: Support a general discussion of steroid hormones.
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AnimationThis animation explains how glucocorticoid hormones affect nutrient metabolism. It demonstrates the binding of glucocorticoid hormones to intracellular receptors, and the consequent binding to glucocorticoid response elements (GRE) to enhance the expression of target genes.
Suggested use: Support a specific discussion of glucocorticoid hormones as an example of steroid hormones.
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AnimationThe mechanism by which epinephrine interacts with target cells is explained in this animation, which uses the effect on the release of glucose by liver cells during the fight-or-flight response as an example.
Suggested use: Support a specific discussion of the mechanism of epinephrine (adrenaline).
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Cardiovascular System
DiagramThis diagram from the article Heart (vertebrate) shows the internal structures of the human heart. It depicts the atria and ventricles, valves, cardiac walls, and the major vessels.
Suggested use: Introduce the anatomical structures of the heart with this diagram.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Carotid body shows the location of the carotid body at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the carotid arteries.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Aortic body shows the location of aortic bodies.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the pulmonary artery.
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AnimationThe events of the cardiac cycle including action of atrioventricular and semilunar valves, and contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles, are shown in this animation.
Suggested use: Have students view this animation and then summarize the events of the cardiac cycle.
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AnimationThis animation shows the passage of action potentials through the conduction system of the heart.
Suggested use: Play this video to conclude a discussion of the structures and function of the heart.
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Lymphatic System and Immunity
AnimationThis animation shows the mechanism involved in Type-1 IgE-mediated hypersensitivity.
Suggested use: Engage students prior to a discussion of allergic reactions.
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AnimationProcessing and expression of antigens by combination with MHC proteins is explained in this animation.
Suggested use: Support an in-depth discussion of antigen processing.
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AnimationThis animation discusses the roles of macrophages and helper T (Th2) in activation of B-cell lymphocytes into memory B-cells and antibody-producing plasma cells.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of T-cells.
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AnimationThis animation explains the action of cytotoxic T-cells against virus-infected cells.
Suggested use: Enrich a discussion of cytotoxic T-cells.
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AnimationThe process of inflammation is shown in this animation.
Suggested use: Introduce the topic of inflammatory responses.
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AnimationThis animation illustrates the process of phagocytosis.
Suggested use: Assign for students to review the details of phagocytosis.
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AnimationThe function of lysosomes and their role in phagocytosis is explained in this animation.
Suggested use: Assign as an enrichment activity; have students summarize the effect of lysosomes' hydrolytic enzymes.
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AnimationThis animation explains the role of toll-like receptors in the production of cytokines by phagocytes during an immune response.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of toll-like receptors.
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Respiratory System
AnimationThis animation provides an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system.
Suggested use: Have students view prior to class as an introduction to the respiratory system.
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DiagramThis diagram from the article Respiratory system shows its major anatomical structures.
Suggested use: Project with labels covered, have students cite the main structures of the respiratory system, and then reveal labels.
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DiagramThis illustration from the article Larynx shows the cartilages of the human larynx.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the larynx.
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DiagramThis diagram from the Respiratory system article illustrates the dichotomous branching of the trachea into the bronchial tree.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the blood supply to the lungs.
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AnimationThis animation shows how contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and respiratory muscles cause changes in intrathoracic and alveolar pressures, leading to inspiration and expiration.
Suggested use: Have students watch the video and then summarize the changes that occur in alveolar pressure during inspiration and expiration.
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Digestive System
AnimationThe structure and function of organs of the digestive system are explained in this animation, which starts with mastication and ends with elimination.
Suggested use: Have students view prior to class as an introduction to the digestive system.
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DiagramThe hard and soft palates are seen in the sagittal section of the human head illustrated in this diagram from the article Palate.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the roles of the tongue, palate, and jaw during digestion.
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DiagramThe microanatomy of the liver, including intrahepatic biliary ducts and their relation to the liver sinusoids and portal vein branches, is shown in this figure from the article Liver.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the liver.
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DiagramThe human extrahepatic biliary tract is shown in this figure from the article Gallbladder.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the gallbladder.
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DiagramThe Digestive system article includes this diagram of the small intestine.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the stomach.
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AnimationThis animation demonstrates symport and antiport of solutes across plasma membranes, and the role of the Na/K exchange pump.
Suggested use: Enrich a discussion of absorption in the small intestine.
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Anatomy And Physiologymr. Mac's Biology Pages

Urinary System
DiagramThis image from the article Kidney illustrates a small section of a human kidney, showing the loops of Henle, vasa recta, and collecting ducts.
Suggested use: Display when introducing the nephron.
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AnimationFiltration, reabsorption, and secretion are demonstrated in this animation of the function of the nephron.
Suggested use: Assign as a review following discussion of the nephron.
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DiagramThis schematic from the article Osmoregulatory mechanisms models osmotic activity in the human kidney.
Suggested use: Support a general discussion of how a countercurrent mechanism functions in concentrating urine.
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DiagramThe tubular countercurrent mechanism for concentrating urine is illustrated in this diagram from the article Urinary system.
Suggested use: Support a detailed discussion of the kidney's countercurrent transport system.
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AnimationReflexive and voluntary control of micturition are explained in this animation.
Suggested use: Play to demonstrate the micturition reflex.
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TableThis table from the article Urinalysis shows the major types and characteristics of normal and abnormal urinary casts.
Suggested use: Display when discussing urinary sediment.
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Reproductive System
DiagramThe urogenital system of the human female is shown in sagittal section in this diagram from the article Reproductive system. Just below this diagram is an illustration of the male reproductive system.
Suggested use: Have students compare and contrast human male and female reproductive systems.
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HistologicalThese images from the article Ovary demonstrate the histology of the germinal epithelium in a variety of vertebrates.
Suggested use: Have students compare and contrast ovarian histology in mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, and fish.
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DiagramThis simplified scheme from the Ovary article shows interactions between hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovary.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian relationships in mammals.
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AnimationThis animation shows the development of a follicle from the primordial condition through development of the corpus luteum and its degeneration into the corpus albicans.
Suggested use: Enrich a discussion of oogenesis and ovulation.
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DiagramThis illustration from the article Mammary gland shows the structure of an alveolus.
Suggested use: Have students incorporate this diagram into a report on lactation.
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DiagramPositions of the prostate and seminal vesicles are shown in this diagram from the Prostate gland article.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of the prostate gland.
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Histological ImageThis image from the article Testis shows the stages of germ cells present in human seminiferous tubules.
Suggested use: Support a discussion of testes.
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AnimationDevelopment of sperm from spermatogonia during spermatogenesis is explained in this animation.
Suggested use: Play this video prior to a discussion of how spermatogonia develop into sperm cells.
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Anatomy & Physiology Animations

Introductory Anatomy

  • Levels of OrganizationActivity
  • Relative PositionWisconsin Online
  • Body Cavities Wisconsin Online
  • Body Cavities AgainMcGraw-Hill
  • Body SectionsWiley
  • Directional Terms 1McGraw-Hill
  • Directional Terms 2McGraw-Hill
  • Serous Membrane - Pleura University of Toronto
  • Body SectionsWisconsin Online
  • Abdominal Regions 1Wiley
  • Abdominal Regions 2Wiley
  • Regional TermsRM Chute
  • Regional Body TerminologyWisconsin Online
  • Body Regions Wisconsin Online
  • Body Regions 1McGraw-Hill
  • Body Regions 2McGraw-Hill
  • Body Regions 3McGraw-Hill

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Visually Learn About the Human Body Using Our Interactive 'Flash' Animations

  • Get Body Smart by ConceptCreators

A Collection of Physiology and Anatomy Animations by University of Central Lancashire

Human Body & Mind

  • Interactive Body & Mind by BBC Science & Nature

Anatomy of the Heart

Roll your mouse over the heart illustration to identify anatomical structures and hear pronunciations.

  • Animation by Nucleus Medical Art

Anatomy & Physiology Animations Game 46: april 17 2015 the initials game show.

  • Anatomy & Physiology Animations by Marieb


Anatomy Animations

Anatomy And Physiologymr. Mac's Biology Page 112

Cellular & Molecular Biology, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory System, and more

  • Animation by MedMotion


  • Hemostasis Blood clot - movie

  • Old RBC Distruction - Hemoglobin Recycling

  • Capillaries - portal system

  • Atlas of Hematology by Nivaldo Medeiros M. D.
  • Blood Typing Game Nobel e-Museum
  • Hemophilia Your Genes Your Health
  • Hemostasis McGraw Hill
  • Blood Type Wayne's Word
  • Blood Tutorials GetBodySmart
  • Red Blood Cells Wisconsin Online
  • White Blood Cells Wisconsin Online
  • Genetic Immune Deficiency called SCID-X1 Sumanas Inc.
  • Hemostasis and Platelet Info

Cardiovascular System

  • Myocardial infarction - movie
  • Cardiac Cycle - animation
  • Cardiac Conduction System - animation
  • Heart Sounds - animation
  • Baroreceptors / HR / BP Regulation - Nervous / CVS Interaction - Great!
  • Chemoreceptors Cardioregulation - CVS / Nervous Interaction
  • Cardiovascular System Topics by ADAM
  • Drag/Drop Labeling of Heart by Arthur Harwood
  • A Healthy Heart Novartis
  • Many Animations on Heart and Circulation
  • Heart Structure by Nucleus Communications
  • Heart functions and Problems Cardiology Associates
  • Electrocardiogram -ECG Technician Nobel eMuseum
  • Hyper heart by Knowlege Weavers
  • Heart Sounds Tutorial Blaufuss
  • Cardiac Cell Death San Diego State University
  • Electro Cardio Gram by Knowlege Weavers
  • Heart Animations Science Museum of Minnesota
  • Operation Heart Transplant from PBS
  • EKG Tutorial RnCeus Interactive
  • Heart Valves Movie by Marcy Thomas at Wellesley
  • Cadaver Dissection of the Human Heart (dissection 4) University of Wisconsin
  • Heart and Blood Vessel Basics Boston Scientific
  • Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Heart Attack, and Heart Failure: What’s the Difference? Life Beat
  • Virtual Autopsy HBO
  • ECG Simulator SkillStat Inc.
  • Cardiac Dictionary SkillStat Inc.
  • An Overview of Pulmonary and Systemic Circulation Wisconsin Online
  • Heart Anatomy Review Wisconsin Online
  • The Anatomy of the Heart Wisconsin Online
  • Pathology of Cardiac Disease Wisconsin Online
  • Cardiac Procedure and Condition Animation Library Sutter Davis Hospital
  • Heart Internal Video Clips Visible Heart
  • Arrhythmias
  • Heart Beat - Electric
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Heart Attack
  • Heart Blood Flow
  • Sheep Heart's Dissection zeroBio
  • Blood Flow through the Human Heart Sumanas Inc.

Digestive System

  • Digestive System Terry Brown
  • Three Phases of Gastric Digestion McGraw-Hill
  • Gastrin Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  • Digestion on a time line George Mateljan Foundation
  • Acid Reflux Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  • Fetal Pig Digestive System Whitman College
  • Helicobacter pylori and gastric pathology John Hopkins
  • Swallowing John Hopkins
  • Mechanism of Acid Production in Gastric Parietal Cells John Hopkins
  • Irritable Bile Syndrome John Hopkins
  • Neutralization of Stomach Acid zeroBio
  • CCK Causes Bile Release zeroBio
  • Digestion (Elementary) Kitses
  • Peristalsis State University of West Georgia
  • Interactive Digestion Quiz zeroBio
  • Carbohydrate Digestion Wisc-Online

Endocrine System

  • Feedback Mechanismsm - Estroten / GnRH / LH a bit complex.
  • Hormone (Ligand)/ Receptor Interactions Complex! But a good example of a cascade.
  • Hormone / Ligand / Channel Physiology Complex!
  • Intracellular Receptor - Lipid Hormones Aldosterone - Complex!
  • Aldosterone Urinary / Endocrine


  • Skeleton and Joints Hospital for Sick Children
  • Knee, Shoulder, Hip and Spine Swarm Interactive, Inc.
  • Intervertebral Disc Problems Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
  • Torn Rotator Cuff Shoulder Pain Solutions
  • Health A Comparison of Three Arthritic Conditions Wisconsin Online
  • Anatomy of the Hip Wisconsin Online
  • Interactive Spine Animations
  • Hand Kinesiology The University of Kansas
  • Spine Anatomy by Medtronic Sofamor Danek
  • Degenerative Disc Disease Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
  • Classification of Joints Wisconsin Online
  • Movement Terminology Wisconsin Online
  • Regional Body Terminology Wisconsin Online
  • Lower Back Disorders Web-MD
  • Tendinitis, Bursitis and Impingement Syndrome Shoulder Pain Solutions
  • Synovitis Shoulder Pain Solutions
  • Arthritis Shoulder Pain Solutions
  • Dislocation/Instability Shoulder Pain Solutions

Lymphatic and Immune System

  • Introducing the Bloody Characters of Specific Immunity by RM Chute
  • Innate (nonspecific)
  • Leukocyte Extravasation W. H. Freeman and Co. and Sumanas, Inc.
  • Extravasation Harvard Education
  • Phagocyte Chemotaxis Wisconsin Online
  • The Body's GuardRockefeller Education
  • Adaptive (specific)
  • The Humoral Immune Response Cancer Research Institute
  • The Cellular Immune Response Cancer Research Institute
  • Immune System McGraw-Hill
  • Immune System Davidson College
  • Immunology Animations Kuby Immunology
  • Antigen Processing by the proteasome Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
  • Immunology and Infectious Disease Harvard Education
  • Somatic Recombination Animation Davidson College
  • Immune System Animations (advanced) Blink Studio
  • T-cell Cloning HHMI
  • MHC I Presentation Duke University Medical Center
  • Immunology Animations University of Alberta
  • Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis ScienceMedia
  • Cytokine - Cell Signaling ScienceMedia
  • Immunisation and Defense Mechanisms
  • The Immune System and Cancer Vaccines National Cancer Institute
  • AntiBiotic Resistance Sumanas Inc.
  • Vaccination School Science
  • How Immunisation Works Immunisation in the UK
  • Choosing Immunizations Wisconsin Online
  • Space Doctor - Gene Therapy Genetic Learning Center
  • The Generation of Antibody Diversity Harvard Education
  • Cytokine Network in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis Science Media
  • HIV
  • HIV Lifecycle Flash Animation by GalaxyGoo
  • Can you get AIDS from a mosquito bite? GalaxyGoo
  • See HIV in Action by PBS from PBS
  • HIV life cycle and Drug Interaction by Roche
  • Animation of HIV life cycle RNCEUS
  • HIV Drug Resistance BioCreations
  • HIV and AIDS Annenberg/CPB
  • Viruses McGraw-Hill


  • Cholesterol Consumed in Food
  • Fatty Acid Transfer Campbell Interactive Chemistry
  • Biochemistry of Cholesterol by Rodney F. Boyer
  • Lipoproteins Wiley
  • Fatty Acid Metabolism by Rodney F. Boyer
  • Fatty Acids Wiley
  • Metabolic Process Locater by Rodney F. Boyer
  • How the Body Uses Fat HMMI

Muscular System

  • Action Potential within a Muscle SR / Calcium
  • Troponin and Tropomysin System Calcium
  • Reflex Arc Muscle and Nerve
  • Muscle Structure and Function
  • Human Cadaver Dissections University of Wisconsin - Madison Medical School
  • The gross physiology of skeletal muscle by Harvey Project
  • Sarcomere Shortening McGraw-Hill
  • The structure of the thick filament and M-line by Harvey Project
  • Functional Unit of Muscle -Sarcomere by Harvey Project
  • Motor unitLarry Keeley at Texas A&M
  • Levers and joints by Harvey Project
  • Muscle twitch by Harvey Project
  • Sliding Filament Theory
  • Sliding Filament Theory movie

  • Sliding Filament Theory another movie

  • Sliding filament by Gary G. Matthews
  • Role of Calcium by Ateegh Al-Arabi, Ph.D.
  • Lever arm Hypothesis by Harvey Project
  • Structure and Muscle Contraction Larry Keeley at Texas A&M
  • Titin Illustration from University of Leeds
  • Actin and Myosin Wiley
  • Muscle ContractionBrook/Cole Chemistry
  • Muscle Cell Contraction Wisconsin Online
  • Neuromuscular Junction
  • Neuromuscular Junction movie
  • Neuromuscular Junction Simulation GalaxyGoo
  • synapse by Gary G. Matthews
  • Neuromuscluar Junction by Harvey Project
  • Sodium Potassium Pump Campbell Interactive Chemistry
  • Fast, Slow, Intermediate Fiber Match Harvey Project
  • Structure of the Muscle Organ Wisconsin Online
  • Muscle receptors and Spinal Reflexes by Tutis Vilis
  • Pelvic Muscles, Nerves, Bones, Visera Columbia Univeristy

Nervous System

  • Stroke Movie

  • Reflex Arc Muscle and Nerve
  • Sound Physiology Tympanic Membrane/basilar membrane
  • Brain Attack Activity Brains Rule
  • Several Neuron Animations by Gary G. Matthews
  • Nevous System Animations McGraw-Hill
  • Physiological Events at the Neural Synapse Wisconsin Online
  • Neurobiology Annenberg/CPB
  • Brain
  • Brain - Anatomy, CSF & Blood Circulation, Cranial Nerves Hospital for Sick Children
  • Brain Anatomy Harvard Educaiton
  • Inside the Brain: An Interactive Tour Alzheimer's Association
  • Epidural and Subdural Hematomas University of New Mexico
  • 3-D Tour of the Brain PBS
  • The HOPES Brain Tutorial Stanford Education
  • Cererbral Spinal Fluid Circulation from UCLA Education
  • Circle of Willis by RM Chute
  • Striatal System (advanced) by Knowlege Weavers
  • Brain Probe from PBS
  • Basal Ganglia Pathway Controls by Jeff Sale
  • Motor Cortex by Tutis Vilis
  • Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia by Tutis Vilis
  • Memory by Tutis Vilis
  • Association Areas by Tutis Vilis
  • Brain Power University of Washington
  • Prion Diseases
  • How Prions Arise McGraw Hill
  • Contrecoup Brain Injury Neuroskills
  • Spinal Cord Columbia University
  • Neuron and Nervous System Structure
  • Neuron Animation by WNET (PBS)
  • Neuron Regeneration by Ateegh Al-Arabi, Ph.D.
  • Unipolar and Multipolar Neurons Wisconsin Online
  • Neuroscience Animations Gary Fisk, Ph.D.
  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • Neurological Exam University of Utah School of Medicine
  • Nervous System Pathways Columbia University
  • Nervous System Pathways (cont.) Columbia University
  • Vagus Nerve Pathways Columbia University
  • Cranial Parasynpathetic Nerves Columbia University
  • Facial Muscle control by Knowlege Weavers
  • Control of eye muscles by Knowlege Weavers
  • Pain Pathways Bay Area Pain Medical Associates
  • Pathway Quizzes in Neuroanatomy (advanced) by Knowlege Weavers
  • Adrenocepter Classification
  • 12 Cranial Nerves Wisconsin Online
  • Upper and Lower Motor Neurons Wisconsin Online
  • Comparison of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems Gary Fisk, Ph.D.
  • Facial Nerves, etc. Columbia University
  • Synapse
  • Neural Communication University of Bristol
  • Synaptic Plasticity University of Bristol
  • Synaptic Transmission MCB-HHMI Outreach Program
  • Nerve Synapse by Arthur Harwood
  • Synaptiic Transmission Sinauer Associates
  • Synapse Physiology Acetyl Choline
  • Release of Neurotransmitter by Harvey Project
  • Neurotransmitters by Harvey Project
  • Neurons, synapses, and neurotransmission by The Mind Project (animation bottom of page)
  • Neuronal Information Transfer Larry Keeley at Texas A&M
  • Mirror Neurons NOVA
  • Introduction to the Nervous System Columbia University

Reproductive System

  • Male Reproductive Histology Oklahoma State University College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Spermatogensis McGraw-Hill
  • Many Reproductive Movies and Animations Oklahoma State University
  • Chemistry of Pregnacy test Kuby Immunology
  • Events of the Uterine and Ovarian Cycle Sumanas Inc.
  • Mitosis/Meiosis Simulation by Jon C. Glase at Cornell
  • Meiosis Sumanas Inc.
  • Sexual Reproduction McGraw-Hill
  • Mechanism of an Erection How Stuff Works
  • Menstrual Cycle MSNBC
  • Hormone Therapy for Prostate Cancer ScienceMedia
  • Sex Hormones - The Menstrual Cycle Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry

Respiratory System

  • Air Pressure / Ventilation -Alveolar Pressure
  • Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressures
  • Changes in Partial Pressure McGraw-Hill
  • Interactive Lungs Science Museum of Minnesota
  • Function Tests:Static Lung Volumes McGill University
  • Fetal Pig Respiratory System Whitman College
  • Fetal Pig Respiratory System Quiz Whitman College
  • oxygen binding graph by Harvey Project
  • Lung Attack! Air Info Now
  • TB Timeline Rockefeller Education
  • Lung Cilia---- Smokers Cilia
  • Respirology Molson Medical Informatics
  • Spirograph Animation Molson Medical Informatics Student Projects
  • Respiratory Tract Anatomy New Brunswick Lung Association
  • Respiratory Basics Wisconsin Online

Skeletal System Flash Animation

  • Bone Labeling Exercises McGraw-Hill
  • The Appendicular Skeleton Wisconsin Online
  • The Axial Skeleton Wisconsin Online
  • The Vertebral Column Wisconsin Online
  • Cranial Anatomy by Dale A. Charletta
  • FracturesWisconsin Online

Skin (Integument)

  • Skin and Integument Wisconsin Online
  • Skin Receptors Sumanas Inc.
  • Inflammatory Response Sumanas Inc.

Urinary System

  • Aldosterone Urinary/Endocrine
  • Kidney and Bladder Structure Hospital for Sick Children
  • Concentration,Dilution of Urine, Renal Transport University of British Columbia
  • Kidney Structure and Function BiologyMad
  • Kidney Structure Sumanas Inc.
  • Countercurrent Exchange Mechanism Marieb
  • The Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Wisconsin Online
  • Kidney Vascular System Wisconsin Online
  • How kidneys function Kidney Patient Guide
  • How Haemodialysis works Kidney Patient Guide
  • How Peritoneal Dialysis works Kidney Patient Guide
  • Kidney Transplant Kidney Patient Guide
  • Fetal Pig Urinary System Whitman College
  • Fetal Pig Urinary System Quiz Whitman College
  • Kidney Stones - Adam University of Maryland Medicine
  • Micturition Reflex McGraw-Hill
  • Renal Physiology Molson Medical Informatics
  • Micturition Mechanism
  • Interactive Kidney Quiz zeroBio


  • DigiStrip Library, Fetal Monitoring High Impact Litigation Inc.
  • Joining of Pronuclei and Fission University of Wisconsin
  • Child Birth Illustrated IDEAs
  • Fertilization Process W.H.Freeman & Co.
  • Conception to Birth Anatomical Travelogue Inc.
  • Just the Facts - beautiful presentation on the first nine months
  • Embryonic Develoment University of Pennsylvania
  • Reproductive System (fetal pig) Whitman College
  • Fetal Pig Quiz Whitman College
  • Fertilization University of Colorada
  • Cloning Dolan DNA Learning Center
  • Windows on the Womb from PBS
  • How is Sex Determined from PBS
  • Life's Greates Miracle from PBS
  • Sea Urchin Development Stanford University
  • Stem Cell PBS
  • Embryology Homepage McGill Medical Students
  • Fetal Stages MSNBC
  • Apgar Scoring in the Newborn Wisconsin Online
  • Apgar Scoring Challenge Wisconsin Online
  • Descent of the Testis Swiss Virtual Campus
  • Quiz Thomson Learning

Special Senses

  • Ear, Equilibrium and Sound
  • Inner Ear Maculae BBC
  • Sense Web - University of Western Ontario by Tutis Vilis
  • Sound and the Ear by Gary G. Matthews
  • Hearing by Tutis Vilis
  • Balance by Tutis Vilis
  • Hair cell transduction channels by Gary G. Matthews
  • Anatomy of the Ear Wisconsin Online
  • Sense of Hearing Wisconsin Online
  • Sound Transduction Sumanas Inc.
  • Effect of Sound Waves on the Cochlea McGraw-Hill
  • Ear Structure Columbia University
  • Eye and Light
  • Anatomy of the Eye
  • Label the Eye Diagram Arthur Harwood
  • Structure of the Eye Sumanas Inc.
  • Eye Muscle Action Simulation by UC Davis
  • Many Aspects on Vision 800 Contacts
  • Eye Movements by Tutis Vilis
  • Visual Preception of Objects by Tutis Vilis
  • Visual Preception of Motion by Tutis Vilis
  • Eye Structure and Function by Tutis Vilis
  • Visual Cortex by Tutis Vilis
  • Streams for Visual Guided Actions by Tutis Vilis
  • Visual Pathways Sumanas Inc.
  • Rhodopsin's reaction to light by Gary G. Matthews
  • The Sense of Sight Wisconsin Online
  • Eye Orbit Columbia Education
  • Chemical - Olfaction and Gustatory
  • Taste Animation BBC
  • The Sense of Taste Wisconsin Online
  • The Sense of Smell Wisconsin Online
  • Olfactory Receptor Stimulation BBC
  • General Senses
  • Touch receptors by Tutis Vilis
  • Muscle Sense by Tutis Vilis

Human Body & Mind

  • Interactive Games and Animations by BBC