Adding Site Search


Add a DuckDuckGo search box to your site!Feel free to adjust the settings below. Then, just copy and paste the code into your website.Because of the way we generate our search results, we do not have the syndication rights to allow you to host our results on your site (e.g. in a frame). When your users click on the results they will be instead taken to our site. Please see our partnerships page for more info on guidelines and getting in touch with us.

Adding Site Search Engines

  • Width: px (The example above uses 408 pixels)
  • Duck logo: Off On
  • Background Color: # ex: #000000 (Color Cheat Sheet here)
  • Site search: ex: (For multiple sites, separate with commas:,
  • Prefill: ex: Search DuckDuckGo
  • Autofocus: Off On (If On, the cursor will automatically be in the search box when the page loads)

Adding a site search box to your website. Updated on 20-October-2016 at 10:16 AM. Business Catalyst End of life announcement - find out more details. You can add a search box to the site template or any specific page so that visitors can search the site. To add a site search feature you need to: Create a page to display the search results. Adding a site manually: Sites can also be added manually by entering the URL in the input box and clicking add. For existing users, one can add a site from the drop down on the left nav and proceed with the same steps as above. Once a site is added, it usually takes 48 hours for the system to generate analytics and data. Webmaster Tools “add your site” fill in the form hit “submit” To submit your site to Yahoo, you don’t need to do anything. Yahoo is powered by Bing’s index, so by submitting to Bing, your site will automatically be submitted to Yahoo. Submit Your website for faster indexing, better rank and more traffic. Works with all domains and sub-domains. Immediate listings that are quickly indexed by search engines. Generate more backlinks and more visibility for all your domains and sub-domains at the touch of a button. Gallerybhs game farm games. By default, the content of a site can appear in search results. If a site owner or site collection administrator specifies that the content from a particular site can't appear in search results, then the other search results settings such as those for lists, libraries, ASPX pages, and columns set on that site wouldn't have any effect.

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Adding Site Search Engine

You can use our URL params and use DuckDuckGo settings to further customize the results pages. However, please see the guidelines at the top of that page before doing so.You can also make and style your own like the search box at the bottom of the Daring Fireball blog. There is also a great blog post (archived) on how to do this.